F#%k You Friday! Sketchy Advertisers

Facebook Ads Before Sponsored Stories - The Anti-Social MediaBloggers have to put up with a lot of shit. Trolls. Assholes like me. Overzealous fans who point over every single mistake you make. It’s all part of the job of being an extremely minor celebrity.

But there is one bunch that is worse than everyone else. These are the people that try to make a few bucks off of the blogger.

A few recent samples:

  • Hi Jay - I noticed that you had a few posts in your archives with some lists of seemingly random things. Would you be willing to rewrite that list to include a link to this sketchy product?
Oh hell no I would not.


  • Jay - I’m number 5 on Google for a vague search term that you aren’t targeting. Would you be interested in buying another domain?
Of course I want another domain to manage that has nothing to do with what I’m interested in! How thoughtful of you to contact me in your blast email. Let me get back to you if I decide I want to rank for “Lick my hairy balls.”


Sketchy advertisers - I’m flattered you think my blog is good enough for you to hawk your wares on, whether to me or to my readers.

But fuck you. Selling out my readers trust for a few bucks isn’t worth it.

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I wish there was an indicator of nuisance related advertisements on social networking. In that way, you can easily send those posts to the recycle bin.

I know. If I get one more ad for "Sexy Liberals" I'm going to hurt some crappy marketer.

I have a directory website that is a free, so people can add their websites to it for free, no obligations. But I get emails from punters asking that if I add their site to my "free" directory that they will add my links to their high PR websites as part of the reciprocating deal. I am not sure if the writers of the emails are familiar with the term, free. I send an email back to the punters explaining that they can add their site for free.... as yet no one has taken up the offer. Oh, I am guessing that the internet is not full of honest people......

You had me at "Assholes like me." Oh, and way to go. I too have been approached several times by people offering me money for "putting a banner linking to their site" on my travel website. My travel website is banner-free and it will remain so, thank you.

I might ad ads one day, but right now I prefer making money off of my mad skillz.