So, you want a smart, sexy personal brand, and you want it fast.
You want to be known not only for your kick ass work, but also how ridiculously cool you are.
You want to be known as the one everyone loves, the one everyone wishes to be, and the one who has the coolest blog with the most traffic and the best audience.
You want to have a ridiculous Klout score and have so many recommendations on LinkedIn that recruiters are desperately contacting you so that you can leave your job for oodles of cash at any moment.
Well, I’m going to share with you my dirty, nasty secret to instant personal branding success.
There are no quick and dirty secrets of personal branding.
Reputations are built over time through hard work and trust. If you put shit into your presence, you will get shit in return. Laziness doesn’t build personal brands.
Imagine where you want to be a a year. What does that person look like? What does s/he do? How to people perceive you?
Start taking steps every day to become that person. That’s how you build your personal brand.
It’s slow. It’s tedious. It’s putting on a smile and putting in the extra hours when you’d rather be doing something fun.
But in one year, when you look back at where you were today, you’ll realize that no quick and easy solution could accomplish all you’ve done.
K. So... I just spent $1997 on The Quick and Dirty Guide to Personal Branding, and another $497 on The Dirty Guide to Becoming a Quick Branding Personality. Please don't tell me these were wasted purchases? (Although, to be fair, I did get a month's free subscription to The Brander's Quick Guide to Getting Personally Dirty - that counts, yes?). In other news - couldn't agree more, mate. :)