F*%k You Friday! Humanization

Humanize the Kill Bot - The Anti-Social Media

Unless you are a mad scientist from a 1930s Universal Horror Film, you cannot humanize something that is inhuman.

Companies cannot become human. Products do not become friends with people. People do not relate to faceless logos.

People relate to other human beings. Their smiling avatar gives a face to the faceless. Their text gives a voice to the monolith. Their mistakes  make them human and relatable.

Only crazy people talk to logos and faceless avatars.

No one wants to be known as a crazy person online. If you want to humanize, show some actual people. Your logo, and customers, will thank you.



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3 Responses to “F*%k You Friday! Humanization”

  1. Laurinda Shaver July 22, 2011 at 2:01 am #

    And I was always wondering why the avatar never responded!!!
    I’m not crazy Mr Avatar…… you are.
    Thank you for the very wise clarification.

    • Jay July 22, 2011 at 2:22 pm #

      Avatars are heartless bastards.

  2. Claire Wagner July 22, 2011 at 3:58 pm #

    Remember the good old days when this was called Anthropomorphism? Good ol’ days stretching back to the mid-1700s, when that term was first coined.Humanization almost sounds nice so I like the older term.

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