Today (4/16) is Foursquare Day.
Foursquare Day is a bullshit, social media marketing holiday. It’s basically a modern version of a made-up, greeting card holiday. There are a few differences though.
Instead of buying cards, a bunch of social media tools will write tweets and blog posts telling you to check into more crap. Oh, and rather than buying a token gift from the dollar store, you’ll just download the Foursquare app.
So how does one actually celebrate Foursquare Day? Well, the normal way is to pull out your smart phone, and check into locations all around town. But where’s the fun in that?
Instead, I suggest you use Foursquare Day as a way to remind yourself how creepy geolocation technology is. Remember:
- Every time you check in, someone knows you aren’t home.
- Every time you check in, your stalker can find you.
- Every check in paints a geographical picture of your every. single move.
Creepy, isn’t it?
Happy Foursquare Day, suckers.
I used Gowalla for a time, but am now reformed. Thank you for making it cool to be unaccounted for.