Friends don’t let “friends” post crap on their wall.
You can hide it, and you can block it, but that doesn’t mean your “friends” aren’t smearing a stinking pile of crap all over your otherwise nice and pristine wall.
If one company is truly evil in the social media world, it is Zynga. The maker of Farmville, Mafia Wars, and a bunch of other similarly mindless Facebook games, Zynga has mastered the art of the casual game that turns into a cultural time and cash suck.
Zynga and Farmville have power. 85 million users of power. Don’t believe me as to what those people can do? Mozilla had to update Firefox because an earlier update broke Farmville. Estimates say Zynga makes about $50 million per month off the small percentage of people who pay for their virtual cow manure.
That’s why Gawker’s article about Zynga’s Platinum Program makes me so sad and angry.
At best, you can describe it as a way to allow international players to spend more with less credit card issues. At worst, you’re giving a gaming company direct access to your bank account to feed an addiction. It reminds me of the phishing e-mails from “African princes and princesses,” except this company actually exists.
Zynga and other social games companies call the people who pay vast sums of money whales. Whales make up a very tiny percentage of players, but bring in a huge amount of money to these companies. It disgusts me that such an option for throwing money away exists and that Zynga feeds people’s addiction with no regard to their financial or mental health.
As a society, we’re supposed to protect and help the people who cannot help themselves. That includes people who are addicts, whether it is from substances or otherwise. We shouldn’t help Zynga get rich because people are addicted to their game and have the ability to spend thousands of dollars on crap that doesn’t exist beyond an electrical charge. Are Farmville and its brethren different than any other computer game? Maybe not, but the ability to throw endless amounts of real money at the company for a few more ones and zeroes of virtual goods isn’t right.
Employers don’t know what to do with social media at work. You want your employee’s to leverage their networks, but you don’t want them to waste your money by playing Farmville all day. You have to treat your employees like adults, and that might be too much for most employers.
Worst of all, most people don’t understand how social media interacts with work. Yeah, it as fun to tweet how hot that boy at the club is Saturday at 1 am, but try explaining that to a client who sees it Sunday morning. Or maybe they’ll notice all those strange, “artistic” photos you keep posting to Flickr of decapitated Barbie dolls. Probably though, your current or future employer will find ancient photos of you from college that are completely inaccurate to who you are today.
You can’t control everything about yourself on the internet, and you can’t control how anyone uses the internet. All you can do is suggest certain ways to use the tools online and suggest a better picture of who you are. If you don’t think these suggestions are powerful, think again.
People notice what is front of them. That’s why it’s important to be on the first page of Google. People don’t pay attention after that first page. If you work hard on creating a singular vision of yourself, you’ll find most people will only pay attention to that aspect. Because the internet is forever, you’ll have to address the dark crappy corners head on when necessary, but those instances will slowly become fewer and far more in between.
This singular vision is your personal brand. It is your hyper-stylized, ultra-polished version of yourself people want to be near and be friends with. It’s you bumped up a notch, the way you wish you could be. It’s the way you want people to notice you, not the photos of you from high school you can’t escape. If I can become the Anti-Social Media guy in three months, you can become whatever you want to in the same time.
Who will you be in three months? What will your brand be?
Farmville wins the “Social Networking Game of the Year Award,” the worst named award it could possibly win. Can we all agree that Farmville is a game that hijacks a social network, not facilitates networking? The one time anything like networking happened with Farmville to me was when I tweeted I was becoming obsessed with it, and a bunch of crazies followed me and friend requested me just to play Farmville with me. I would never trust anyone who used Farmville to network. NEVER.
I will commend Zynga once again for slowly taking over the world though and being rewarded for it.