
Why I Don’t Care About Wikileaks

Wikileaks - The name you can trust for leaksI’ve been nursing a slow hate of Wikileaks.  The more I read about it, it just seems like a group of angry nerds who want attention by throwing up as much information as possible and hoping some part of it is so disgusting people will keep looking.

So, without further ado, here’s what’s driving me nuts about the most controversial media website online.

  1. Who has time to read all these documents? Every time I hear about Wikileaks releasing documents, the number is always in the hundreds of thousands. Who are they expecting to read all of these things? Average folks don’t have the time for that kind of reading, even if we do have the interest. Who do they think we are, grad students? Apparently, the authors of Wikileaks have the best attention spans on the web. Need proof? Just look at how long their about page is.
  2. Julian Assange is Not SexyJulian Assange is weird. I don’t know if Mr. Assange has raped anyone. I don’t really know too much about him besides what I’ve read online. However, I do know he poses for pictures in an oddly sexual way, like he wants to be Anderson Cooper, but he isn’t legitimate, or sexy, like Anderson Cooper. Also, who does he think he is stealing my red tie?
  3. What kind of a name is Wikileaks? When I think of a wiki, I think of a group of documents that anyone can edit, like Wikipedia.  While I realize not all Wikis are editable that way, but the name sounds like a brand of diapers that are easy to change. Just imagine the taglines.  ”Wikileaks: the diapers anyone can change.” or “Wikileaks: poop is in your hands now.”
  4. Their logo is disgusting. Just look at it. Do I need to say more?
  5. Wikileaks - This Logo Is DisgustingThey aren’t helping anyone. I’d be more supportive of these leaks were doing something to help people. Instead, they are just embarrassing governments and causing divisions because someone from the UK wrote down something like, “Hilary Clinton looks like a pink nightmare in that pantsuit.” This is exactly the type of information that’s going to bring support to your cause and change the world.

I’m all for free speech, but what’s the point of it if you’re just going to abuse it? We can write and say whatever we want online, but how we choose to do so makes all the difference. Creating information terrorism as blackmail is no better than the corruption they are trying to expose.

Am I crazy in my disgust of Wikileaks? Do you hate them too? I want to know what you all think before Anonymous takes down my site for saying Julian Assange looks creepy.


15 Responses to Why I Don’t Care About Wikileaks

  1. Davi December 10, 2010 at 6:40 am #

    Hey Jay….

    Here we can see the problem with internet and freespeech. Morons like you can come and write shit like that. I wonder if you are just trying to call attention, or born retarded like that?

    I’m not going waste my time here, with you want to write something, at least get your shit together first.:)

    • Brianne Villano December 10, 2010 at 9:41 am #

      Hey Davi…

      Free speech allowed you to post that asinine comment.


      • Jay December 10, 2010 at 6:25 pm #

        Free speech, my gracious will and love of comments.

    • Lance Haun December 10, 2010 at 11:33 am #

      You’re a good example of a guy who doesn’t get that his entire online persona is an anchor full of irony. Keep tugging on that impossible chain, brother!

    • Jay December 10, 2010 at 6:26 pm #

      I have shit to get together?

  2. Amy G. H. December 10, 2010 at 8:51 am #

    I agree with most of your post, but have to admit that it gives me GREAT pleasure to see government officials humiliated. You get what you give and they deserve it, IMO. Also, if this stuff is SOOOO top secret, why do hundreds of thousands of government employees have clearance to access it? If anything,m the government should be THANKING Wikieaks for exposing the supposed “chinks in the armor”. Here’s a hint to governments everywhere: if you don’t want information to get out, don’t put it on the internet.

  3. Joshua S Sweeney December 10, 2010 at 9:24 am #

    I’m with you, Jay. I’m bored to tears by the whole affair.

    • Jay December 10, 2010 at 6:24 pm #

      Why don’t you cry about it then? ;-)

  4. Lance Haun December 10, 2010 at 11:39 am #

    What I hate about dudes like Davi and other Wikileaks kool-aid drinkers is that they assume you are against free speech or for oppressive government if you think that the unfiltered release of documents may not be good for anyone. They compare wikileaks to new world journalism where only 100% transparency should be tolerated.

    Yawn. That’s just old fashioned extremism re-purposed. Nobody with any sense of realism can think that every single decision can be considered and made out in the open.

  5. Greg December 10, 2010 at 1:56 pm #

    We just finished having a President (and a culture), where you couldn’t say anything untoward without being branded as treasonous. We’ve actually got a site pushing the boundaries we needed pushed YEARS ago, and people are scared/bored of it.

    Anything they’ve got is, by now, so old that it’s in the realm of “embarrassing black eye” rather than “OMG OUR PRECIOUS TROOPZ R N DANGER,” so, I love this. A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing.

    p.s. Wikileaks is completely alienating most of the world and getting defriended by Paypal, Amazon, Visa and Mastercard. Shouldn’t they be your poster child? :)

    • Jay December 10, 2010 at 6:23 pm #

      We finished having culture?

      Love the P.S. - Best laugh of my day.

  6. Claire December 14, 2010 at 8:19 pm #

    I don’t care what wikileaks releases but think they should be able to do it. I don’t care because I already know that every government does secret things that the public would find appalling. Is this supposed to be news? Did people think that after the Pentagon papers the world’s governments became saintly? I don’t think releasing these documents will effect any change.

  7. Jim December 15, 2010 at 9:10 am #

    Everyone is equal but some are more equal than others,

    Everyone got freedom of speech but some have it little more.

    If U don’t care about WikiLeaks then don’t bother write about them… Simple mathematics.


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