I had to stop myself from tweeting an angry tweet last week.
I was driving home from work, and I was behind a bus. The street I was on has bus lanes at many of the stops, and the buses pull into these when they stop. It’s a win-win situation. Traffic keeps moving, and public transportation is valuable.
But I got caught behind the one bus driver that refused to stop in the bus lanes. At 6 pm on a weekday when you just want to get home, it’s enough to gouge your eyes out.
In my rage, I had to stop myself from tweeting this:
“Seriously city of Raleigh bus!? You can’t stop in the clearly marked bus lane during rush hour? Way to make my drive home hell.”
Ugh. I feel dirty even typing it out like that. Like that would have done anything to make public transportation better in Raleigh. Even worse, what value does that have for my followers?
If anything, some poor bus drivers may have gotten chewed out, or maybe a passive aggressive memo reminding bus drivers to use the lanes would have been issued. Maybe some people would have unfollowed me because I’m an angry jerk. Either way, by the time I would have tweeted, I was already comfortably at home, and my mild annoyance was waning.
Would customer service had even made a difference? As someone who helps businesses use social networks, I see the value in tweets like that. But what’s the tipping point to take action? One angry tweet from a slightly influential user? One tweet from any user? Or a large amount of feedback from many users of different influence? What even counts as many users? 10? 20? 100?
There is value in online customer service. But should the places we use to connect with other people for fun be that place? Since when did it become appropriate to vent online anyways?
Do you tweet angry tweets? What do you do when you see them from other users? Do you think they make a difference, or are they just venting in to the void?
And any angry tweets about this post will be catalogued for future feedback.
Anti-Social Media