Twitter made a big stink last year by creating their own photo service.
Here’s something you probably didn’t notice though (unless you’re a dirty pervert), Twitter allows people to post porn.
Finally, you can share all your nasty, 140 character fantasies with all of your followers. Want to show your crappy cell phone pic of wang all over town? Twitter’s got you covered. Want the world to see your ta-tas? Tweet them out.
This is different from other image services, which had policies in place so we didn’t have to see your nasty junk. They would take down your photos because they knew no one wanted to see that. Twitter, on the other hand, only has policies about child pornography.
Everything else is a fair, naked game.
Twitter can’t monitor every body part that gets posted on there. Porn stars have been tweeting their private parts for years now. And now the unwashed masses can join them in the orgy of fleshy images.
No longer do we need to worry if we can share our junk next to our resume and a link to a cute cat. We can. But the burden is entirely on us to behave like rational human beings. Isn’t that terrifying?
Just because you can keep your porn on Twitter, you probably shouldn’t. People look at that stuff, and we don’t need to know how kinky you really are. Really, we don’t.
Don’t the trending topics provide enough horror?
“Behave like rational human beings”? And then who would we blame for our dumb actions? Ourselves? Not gonna happen.
Instead of porn, what we need is more cat gifs, obviously. (Not sure if you already knew the site?)
Total. Downer.