I’m great at bitching about all the tweets I hate, but I never harped on the weird crap people put on Facebook all the time. And trust me, for all the mundane madness about coffee that drives me crazy on Twitter, there’s even more weird stuff that occurs on Facebook just because there are so many more functions and people.
So, without ado, the five things people do on Facebook I hate most.
- Suggest Friends - I know who my friends are. I know who I want in my online life. I don’t need anyone to tell me who I need to connect with. If you’re suggesting friends for me, not only will I ignore them, I’ll probably unfriend you.
- Suggest Pages - I’ve never had someone suggest something I actually like or that I am a fan of. I will support friends in their new endeavors, whether that’s a new website or a band, but I’ve never had someone suggest something to me that I actually enjoyed. I attribute this failure to the fact that they are Facebook friends and not real friends.
- Invite me to Events I can’t Reasonably Attend - I stated using Facebook back when it was The Facebook and was for college students only. Six years later, all of my “friends” graduated and moved on in the world, yet they keep inviting me to events in the places they now inhabit. I’d love to come see your community theater play in Nebraska, if I lived anywhere near there. Facebook tells you where I am. Use that information.
- Facebook Places Posts - I’ve yet to see anyone do anything useful or entertaining with this feature. I live in a pretty tech savvy area with some very tech savvy friends, and I still haven’t seen any of them do anything cool. Still, I know know exactly where home is for a good chunk of my friends who don’t care about their security.
- Farmville, Frontierville, and anything else by Zynga - I don’t care that you’ve unlocked a new cow, or your barn needs raising, or that you’ve sold your soul for ten more Farmville dollars. Application spam is not fun for anyone.
I’m sure there’s a lot more stuff that our “friends” do. What don’t you “like?” What do you hate that people do on Facebook most?
Anti-Social Media