Free Social Media Advice Winners

Congratulations to the winners of my first Social Media Advice contest.

I will be in touch with you all soon about this will work.

If you want social media advice for free, you’ll have to wait until I run another contest.  If you’re willing to pay though, contact me and we can work something out.

Contest: Free Social Media Consulting

There’s a lot of crappy social media in the world.  Between the people who “get it” and those who aren’t even on Facebook, lie a huge swatch of people figuring it out.  Instead of complaining hoping people read a post and make it better, I’m going to take a more proactive approach.

I’m offering two free hours of social media consulting to five lucky people who comment on this blog about why they need help with their social media.

That’s right.  I’m giving away the chance to pick my brain, and make a social media strategy that works for you.  What other people charge bundles for you can get for free.  Whether you want to get more followers, get better followers, or sell stuff, I’ll help you out.*

Did I say it’s free?  If you hate my advice, you just as easily ignore it with no cost to you.  The risk is minimal and you have the entire internet to gain.

What do you have to lose?

Enter by leaving a comment below about why you want or need help with your social media by 11pm, EST.  Of all the comments at that point, I’ll pick five randomly and offer to help them.  One by one, we will make social media more fun, interesting, and relevant to the world.

*Note: If I think you’re being sketchy in anyway, I will not agree to help you out.  This is about helping people achieve their dreams using the internet, not exploiting their weaknesses so you can gain.

The Anti-Social Media is now on YouTube!

I’m excited to bring you all video updates on the State of Anti-Social Media.  I hope they bring a different perspective than my usual writing.  Also, it’s nice to take a writing break.

I decided to put ads on the videos because I figured it would be the least intrusive way to have advertising.  If I’m wrong, tell me.  I’d rather know they suck and take them off than keep pushing them when everyone hates them.

Also, about the contest.  This is how it will work.  I will randomly select one subscriber to win the T-Shirt on Friday May 14, 2010.  So subscribe before then!  I will announce the winner on Saturday, May 15.

Contest Winners!

I’ve learned about social media contests: you’re more likely to win if you enter.  I should know, last year I won an a Nintendo DS game, an iPod Nano, free food, free fair rides, and a bunch of other crap just by tweeting something.  If I can do it, anyone can, and you’re more likely to get something cool like an iPad.

So, to teach everyone the valuable lesson to actually try, I held a contest here.  Since there were only two entries, I’m going to award each entrant with the first prize: a $10 iTunes Gift Card.  That’s $20 in prizes someone else could have easily won.  Aren’t you jealous?

Congrats to Jennifer and Christine Choi.  I’ll be contacting you to send you your fabulous prizes.  Enjoy your new ability to download an album or TV show you’ve been dying for.