I spent the vast majority of my weekend, from Friday afternoon until 5 am this morning, either in bed or getting better acquainted with my toilet. There’s nothing like sickness to take some time away from social networks and strengthen the relationships you have with the plumbing fixtures in your home.
Sure, the relationship between me and my toilet may not have started online, but like all modern connections it went there. While I may not Facebook and poop, my attention is divided so much I just can’t give these things the attention they need. Thankfully, the inanimate objects of my house look past my social media obsessions and take care of me, even when the only thing I can think of through the blinding pain and weakness is I must write complete, intelligible sentences at all costs.
While I wish I could say I’m feeling 100%, I’m not. I’m just starting to catch up on things that are important: Twitter, Facebook, Quora, YouTube, LinkedIn, my friends, and my cat. I’ve got posts in the pipeline about Facebook, The Now Revolution by Jay Baer and Amber Naslund, and social media and society.
Fear not readers. I may have spewed all of the bile from my body this weekend, but my hatred for all things social did not leave with it.
Get better man - we need your wit at full capacity to deal with AOL’s takeover of the internet/blogosphere
Personally, I think it’s a harbinger of the end times and am headed to the basement with a couple of flats of canned beans and my old .410.
I’m hoping to be acquired by internet editor-in-chief Arianna Huffington. I have no problem with getting paid more to blog.
Oh no! Get well soon, Jay!
I’m trying my best to. Thanks!
Feel better!
Working on it! Thanks Dori!
Hi Jay a good read thanks - get well!
Thanks Pervara!
Sure Jay
Get better Jay! Please don’t review my book when sick. It’s scary enough having you review it when you’re well!
I read about half of it Saturday night in the middle of my fever and I’m hoping to finish it up tonight or tomorrow.
Though, it might be better to have me review it when I am sick. I’m more likely to just stop writing when I get tired.
Jay, I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better. Although, I totally understand how awful a sickness can make you feel.
It was bad. It was so bad I couldn’t even be negative.
I just saw your blog post on Social Media Today, and I realized it was you since the same post poped up twice on my RSS feed. Have you been posting there for a while? I havent noticed before.
Hope you get better. I should tell you that I usually read thousand of social media blogs, and yours is definitely one of my favorites.
I do post over there, and my RSS is syndicated and they occasionally pick up posts of mine (usually the more business-flavored ones). Why they chose this one, I will never understand.
Thanks for the well wishes Christina!
Feel better man! I too am feeling under the weather today but I think its more due to the massive amount of food i ate during the Superbowl than any virus.
I wish I ate during the Super Bowl. I’m sad I had zero chicken wings.
Keep feeling better!!
Catching up on the web after being sick is such a chore. I just got back from camping and I feel like I’ve missed out on years of news and information.
Good luck!
I just hit the button that says MARK ALL AS READ and start over.
Hey mate, get better!
Your relationship with your toilet should be strictly business
It’s business casual.
[...]Twitter, Facebook, Quora, YouTube, LinkedIn, my friends, and my cat [...]
no doubt you’ve put them in reverse order of importance
Get well soon!