I hate Thanksgiving. Call me ungrateful or call me a grinch, but I hate everything about it. The food, the family, the football, the gluttony. It all disgusts me. Nothing says being grateful for what you have by watching Football on the couch all day and then enjoying a huge feast.
In honor of my extreme hatred of the holiday, let’s celebrate all the things I’m not thankful for in social media this year:
- Failed Social Networks - 2010 is the year we said hello and goodbye to Google Buzz and Apple Ping. Both of them have failed miserably beyond adding another layer to something that worked just fine before. I can’t tell you the last time I used either feature in iTunes or in Gmail, both of which I use EVERY DAY. Way to fail Google and Apple.
- Crappy Tweets - We all do it. We all know better. Seriously though, why doesn’t this stop? You think people would get smarter about all the crap they share with the entire internet, but no. They don’t. Also, to every single person who has tweeted something about “Fisting the turkey,” you disgust me.
- Facebook’s Quest to rule the Internet - Facebook is on a rampage to rule the internet. With their ubiquitous login, new unified inbox, and their plan to add a social layer to everything (because we didn’t know how to be social before Mark Zuckerberg), Facebook is on a war path. Doesn’t anyone else wish for simpler times when we just connected with our friends?
Am I alone I my hatred of Thanksgiving? Â Is there anything you wish you could give back to social media this holiday?
Oh, and before we get there, Black Friday drives me just as nuts too.
It’s not that I hate Thanksgiving, I mean, the idea of giving thanks, I like “that”. I do hate the “gluttony” and the senseless slaughter of the turkeys. I don’t get the connection between being gluttonous, making WAY too much food, and the woman ends up doing all the work while the “men” do nothing but overeat, make a mess, and then they watch hours of loud tv programming, usually involving some type of violence. I just don’t “get it”.