I have a lot of friends on Foursquare. It could be the people I hang out with, but we’re all there, sharing where we’re going and who we’re with and what we are doing.
Sometimes, it gets out of hand though.
Recently, my friends have been more outlandish with where they are checking in. I’m not naming any names, but I’ve started seeing people checking into tattoo parlors, strip clubs, and places for personal grooming. While I am glad to know I am not the only one with a hairy seedy underbelly to my life, I don’t see the point of sharing this stuff with the entire world. I don’t need to know when you are adding a tramp stamp, paying to see some young ladies tramp stamp, or removing the hair off your tramp stamp. If you’re a social media professional, you should know better, and I’m sure your clients don’t need to know that either.
What purpose does checking into places like these add besides making me feel better about my life? The line between sharing over-sharing has always existed online; we now can find out where your kinky fancy strikes.
Given these incidents, here is my rule for FourSquare: If I can tell Mom I went there without feeling embarrassed, I will check in there.
Let’s all try and follow that rule. Don’t disappoint my Mom, and stop creeping me out.
Anti-Social Media