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Any Jerk Can be a Social Media Strategist

Any Jerk Can be a Social Media Strategist

In my ivory tower of social media criticism, I notice that social media practitioners rarely do everything they preach. I’m guilty of it. I follow more people than I can reasonably keep up with. I don’t engage and converse with the people I follow enough.  My content sometimes doesn’t provide any informative or entertainment value.

Anyone can be a social media strategist. If you’ve ever thought about how you will update Facebook for more than a minute, then you’re strategizing.  Welcome to the glamourous world of social media strategy.  Make sure you go get the uniform.  We can plan our next tweet while you put it on.

It’s easy to make a social media strategy.  The trouble is, some people are much better at it than others.  Whether that’s through innate talent and understanding of the human nature, or simply hard work, there is no requirement or certificate that confers any social media title on anyone (I’m looking at you, ninjas, gurus, and mavericks). There is no divine right to any title on the Internet. You earn the title by making content that kicks ass and then having your esteemed colleagues confer it onto you.

Any jerk with a dream and a Twitter account can be a social media strategist.  But without any serious thought, their strategy will be worth shit.  Don’t be a shitty social media strategist.  The good ones have enough crap to deal with already.

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You Don’t Have to Follow Social Media "Experts" (Including Me)

I worry about who I follow all the time.  I wonder what kind of message it sends, if the information is worthwhile, and if this person can make me laugh. It’s important for me to consider what makes me happy when I follow someone, rather than just adding another source of slightly relevant information to my feed.

Still, we get caught in traps of following certain people based on recommendations and and advice that isn’t necessarily for us.  If you have any interest in social media, maybe because you are new or some of it is being added to your job, you are bombarded with a group of “experts” and “gurus” and “ninjas.”  They offer a ton of advice.  But is any of it right for you?

The trouble is, these people probably don’t care about you as an individual and the work you do. Your work may not be related to social media as a whole, it may just include bits and pieces of it here and there.  They aren’t your colleagues and the people who you work with.  They’re working on mastering social media.  If that’s what you’re doing, great! Go follow them now.  And follow me while you’re at it.

But if you want practical advice, find out who the leaders in your field are and follow them. See who’s doing new and creative stuff that relates to you, not who’s just spouting the same social media advice endlessly.  Find who makes you laugh.  Make your connections matter beyond someone who puts all their stock in the internet.

Social Media is easy as long as you know how to talk to people.  Finding the right people to talk to is the hard part.

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Why I’m a Social Media Expert (And You Can Be Too)

I’m a Social Media Expert.  I say this not because I am in any way vain or conceited, but rather because my knowledge has spewed forth so freely, that people cannot help but worship my social media opinions. This title should come as no surprise, as I read and write about social media every day. I’ve been using some of the social media sites for a long time, so my wisdom comes from experience.

Here are some steps you can do to be a social media expert like me.

  1. Write about social media. Social media people love reading about social media, even when it’s making fun of them and they don’t realize it because they are skimming because they are overloaded with information. By writing about social media, you establish your authority.
  2. Dress sharply. We know there’s a uniform.  Wear it.  Show up in pictures with it. If you look official, people will buy into it.
  3. Get Listed. If you’re listed on Twitter by someone else as a Social Media Expert, then it’s really official. Solicit being listed, even though the vast majority of users don’t use  lists or care about them, because every list you appear on makes you look that more awesome.
  4. Retweet Mashable. This seems too easy, but clients think it’s amazing. Your clients will think you find clever articles, and you’ll rake in the cash.

It’s not hard to be a social media expert.  Make it a priority, and you can do it in a day.

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