Before Google+, Facebook was content to muck up users’ lives about once a year with news feed changes or a half-assed profile redesign.
Now, twice a week we have news announcements that go like like this:
Smart lists. Mobile hangouts. Huddles. News Tickers. Do any of these features really matter to users?
This all sounds like a war for who can push out more crap first, without knowing how users actually user their social network. I’m doubtful there’s a gem that will come out of all these turds.
Screw it. I’m joining not Google+. At least they have their shit together.
Basically, it goes like this:
Diaspora code comes up; Google basically copy-pastes it and names it Google+; Facebook imitates Google+.
I remember something called “Creativity”… haven’t seen it in a while.
I remember something called “Creativity” too… haven’t seen it in a while either. 😉
I just joined Not Google+ today! I feel so liberated!
I like connecting with my friends on there. It’s so realistic!
Where do you find this stuff?
The Internet!
Pissing contest makes for pissed users.
Facebook hasn’t even updated it’s own help pages for the new features it keeps dumping out.
I use google plus but not really active there. I am more comfortable in fb than g+.
Yeah, Google+ is a little clinical and not so welcoming.
Hmmm. OK people, I’ll launch a social network site that has a minumum of features. Just the best of Google+ and Facebook. You’ll be able to poke people, and you can put them in a circle. That’s all.
Circle poke? 😉
I just wish ‘The Zucker’ would use focus groups or something to actually test these things with real people and not developers. That’s how your going to make it better, not by getting a bunch of nerds together to work out the kinks of some crap nobody want that will be rolled out to 800 million users.
Nerds are real people too! At least, that’s what I’m told.
but honestly, I love the graphics 😀
I use social networks about 1x a month. It’s all noise to me…
It’s all noise noise noise!
I think it’s just ironic how people tell each other on Twitter to “stop the oversharing” 🙂