I’m having a terrible time writing a post for today. The whole idea behind cutting back on posting was so I can give my ideas a little more time to breathe, and here I am without a single good idea to write about.
So, I’m going to write about what to do when you have nothing to write about. Here are some topics that never get old to write about. Use them when nothing else works.
- Crazy Pet stories - Most of us own some pet in out lifetime, whether it’s a dog, cat, or poison dart frog. Write about how your animal is better, worse, or funnier. People will come if for nothing else than the cute photos.
- Social Media Strategy - Everyone either has one or doesn’t, and it’s a great buzz term with absolutely no meaning.
- Crazy E-mails - I get weird e-mails all the time. I wish I could share them all without alienating my readers with legitimate questions. But when someone includes this emoticon (
~ ) in the first sentence, you know it’s going to be terrible in a good way.
What kinds of things do you blog about when you’re brain runs dry? Do you wait to blog until you have a good idea, or do you churn something out? I want to know what you do.
Oh, and here’s an obligatory adorable cat photo.
Anti-Social Media