
Facebook’s Send Button is Crap

The Send Button - The Anti-Social Media

Last year, Facebook figured out a quick and easy way to share links on the web. You were going to share a link on Facebook anyway, so instead of making a whole process of it, you could just click a button to post it right on your wall. It was quick, dirty, easy, and has made the word “like” so meaningless even Facebook can’t figure out what it means anymore.

Overall, a total success in their quest to conquer the interwebs.

So, as a follow up to the glorious Like button that saved blog traffic and annoyed anyone with a sense of grammar, Facebook made the Send Button, “because sometimes it’s private.

Really Facebook? What is private about your website? All those likes and interests I posted? My updates? All those photos of me? What about that is private?

Getting beyond that though, Facebook says this is easier than getting people to use a traditional “e-mail this article button” because you don’t need to look up e-mail addresses or fill out as much crap. OK, fine, I get that, but I don’t really know all 610of my Facebook friends. If I don’t know them well enough to know their e-mail address, what makes you think I know them well enough to send them an article about how to lose your love handles?

These are the types of things I imagine using the send button for:

  • Articles I’m too embarrassed to share to more than one person, such as things about weight loss, sex, or many of my embarrassing hobbies.
  • Jobs that friends may be interested in applying for.
  • Things I want to send to friends who I am passive aggressive about changing their disgusting habits.
  • The extra 100 photos of my cat I don’t want people to suffer through on Facebook.

To me, this is limited usage. It’s not going to drive a shit ton of traffic to this blog or any blog. And for the people who I want to send things to, I already have their email addresses because I actually know them. Then again, I have a brain, so I’m above the average Facebook user and maybe I’m underestimating the general intelligence of the web once again.

So are you going to use the send button? Is it already programmed into your blog and sending you oodles of traffic? Or is it just taking up space like every other crappy sharing button? I want to know what you think. Maybe if enough of us hate it we can “send” Facebook a message.


6 Responses to Facebook’s Send Button is Crap

  1. Michael LaRocca May 9, 2011 at 9:19 am #

    I want to know why you have ONLY 100 PHOTOS of your cat. Get with the program.

    • Jay May 9, 2011 at 10:10 am #

      Only because I have thousands I don’t share.

  2. Rob May 9, 2011 at 2:28 pm #

    How DARE you expect there to be people on Facebook utilizing intelligence! Do you see that in the actual world? How can you expect it in the even lazier virtual world?

    By the way, do you still have that article about losing love handles….?

    • Jay May 9, 2011 at 2:50 pm #

      No, I don’t have that article. I do have the love handles. I found them on the couch, across from the TV and next to the tub of popcorn.

      • Rob May 9, 2011 at 3:02 pm #

        So easy to find, yet so difficult to lose. Amazing how that works.


  1. Facebookbiz Abendschau: Facebook Anzeigen, Nachrichtenseiten, Senden Button, Social Gaming & VZ - May 9, 2011

    [...] The Anti- Social Media: Facebook’s Send Button is Crap [...]