Today’s post is a guest post by my friend and SEO maverick, Phil Buckley.
Is it possible you’re spending too much time on strategy? I think it is.
If strategy is draining time, energy and resources from the actual doing, maybe it’s time to rethink your strategy strategy.
The idea of a no-strategy strategy popped into my brain while reading Any Jerk Can Be A Social Media Strategist.
If you’re a simple business, or a single blogger you should probably be spending more time on measuring your actions than on complicated strategy documents. My advice to anyone who is thinking about blogging is, START WRITING! That’s not a complicated strategy, in fact, it’s just the core action.
You run a business selling firewood, here’s your strategy - write about firewood. Done. You’re a mommy blogger, here’s your strategy - write about your life. You’re IBM or the Carolina Panthers, now you need a strategy. Rather than overthink your strategy, start doing the work. Start writing. Write something right now! If you can’t write this very second, make sure you make a date to write tonight.
Maybe you think that you’re a special case, and you really do need a specific strategy. That’s possible. Here’s a quick test to see if how much time you should be spending on strategy for you blog:
- You have as many people subscribed to your blog as you have contacts in your phone. (1 minute)
- You have posts waiting to be published in the future. (1 minute for each future post)
- You have people contacting you about advertising on your site. (2 minutes per inquiry/month)
- You are being asked to speak at local events. (3 minutes per engagement/month)
- You are being offered money to speak at industry events. (5 minutes per engagement/month)
- Your blog is main source of income (10 minutes)
- Your business makes enough money to employ additional people. (30 minutes/employee)
Now add up the time from the list above. That’s how much time you should be spending on your strategy. Now get going bringing that strategy to life.
Phil Buckley is the Director of User Experience at Media Two Interactive, a media advertising agency specializing in digital and traditional planning, buying and design. He blogs at on search social and web development. You can follow him on Twitter @1918.
Anti-Social Media